Commemoration Day Meaning?

An event held to honor the memory of someone is referred to as a commemoration. One can also remember an event, such as a war, with a commemoration. A commemoration is an event or person’s celebration, typically taken the shape of a ceremony. On a person’s birth or death anniversary, events are frequently held.

Commemoration Day in UAE

Commemoration Day in UAE is a national holiday celebrated annually on November 30th in the United Arab Emirates in remembrance of the sacrifices and devotion of Emirati martyrs who lost their lives while performing their duties.

The holiday was established by the late president of UAE, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. They renamed the name of holiday from Martyrs’ Day to “Commemoration Day” because they want to reflect the fact that this holiday is not just for those soldiers who died in the battle but also for those individuals of the country those who gives their everything to the country as well as their lives just for the sake of the country.

The UAE flag is flown at at half-staff nationwide on Commemoration Day, and there are several ceremonies prayer events, and military parades to mark the occasion. On this holiday, Emiratis also take time to remember their martyrs and to swear loyalty to their nation.

Commemoration Day in UAE is a significant holiday. It’s a time for Emiratis to unite, pay tribute to their martyrs, and celebrate the principles of patriotism, solidarity, and sacrifice.

Commemoration Day, UAE, UAE armies, Marching, UAE Flags

A reminder of the UAE’s rich history and legacy is also provided by the holiday. Since its founding in 1971, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has grown into a prosperous country known across the world for its tolerance, variety, and inventiveness. Nonetheless, the United Arab Emirates never forgets the martyrs’ sacrifices that shaped the nation into what it is today.

On Commemoration Day in UAE, we salute the brave Emiratis who have given their lives for their country. We also remember the families of martyrs and the sacrifices they have made. We are grateful for the freedom and prosperity that we enjoy today, and we pledge to continue to build a better future for all Emiratis.

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Commemoration Day in UAE Symbol

Symbol, Commemoration Day, UAE

Commemoration Day Heroes

Commemoration Day in UAE, heroes are all Emiratis who have sacrificed their lives while doing their duties in military service, on humanitarian relief operations, or in other positions as public servants.

The following are a few of the greatest Commemoration Day in UAE heroes:

Salem Suhail bin Khamis Al Dahmani:

Al Dahmani was murdered on November 30, 1971, during the Iranian forces’ conquest of the Greater and Lesser Tunb’s. He was the first Emirati police officer to die while performing his responsibilities. He was killed by the Iranian navy because he refused to lower the Ras Al Khaimah flag.

Saif Ghubash:

Ghubash, the first Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, was killed in 1977. He played a significant role in the UAE’s initial diplomatic efforts and is well-known for his unwavering loyalty to his homeland.

Khalifa Al Mubarak:

Al Mubarak was an Emirati ambassador who was killed in 1984. He was a well-respected diplomat who sought to advance harmony and understanding between the UAE and the rest of the world while holding the titles of ambassador for the UAE to France, Italy, and the United Kingdom.

The soldiers of the First Gulf War:

Several Emirati servicemen lost their lives in the First Gulf War, which was largely fought by the UAE Armed Forces. These warriors will always be honored for their bravery and selflessness in protecting Kuwait from Iraqi aggression.

The heroes of the UAE’s humanitarian missions:

Numerous Emiratis have lost their lives while working on humanitarian missions, as the UAE has a long history of delivering aid to nations in need. These heroes will always be recognized for their kindness and commitment to aiding others.

These are only a small number of the great heroes that the UAE celebrates on Commemoration Day. We shall never forget the courageous men and women who gave their all to protect their nation and its citizens.

Sacrifices of the Heroes

All of the above mentioned soldiers, ambassadors and individuals of the country are enough for the term of “sacrifices” because there are nothing sweeter than lives and they give their lives so there are nothing to say beyond it. The word “sacrifice” are too small and lighter for them.

Things to do on Commemoration Day

There are few things to do in Commemoration Day in UAE.

Attend a wreath-laying ceremony or prayer service:

To pay tribute to the sacrifices made by Emirati martyrs, these gatherings are held around the nation.

Visit a war museum or memorial:

You can find out more about the military history of the United Arab Emirates and the sacrifices made by exploring these locations.

Volunteer your time to a charity or organization that supports veterans or families of martyrs:

There are numerous opportunities to become engaged, including blood donation, care package packing, and hospital visits with veterans.

Watch a patriotic film or documentary:

This is an excellent strategy to consider the sacrifices made by Emirati martyrs and to learn more about the history and culture of the United Arab Emirates.

Spend time with your family and friends:

On Commemoration Day in UAE, people gather to honor the sacrifices made by Emirati martyrs. It’s also a moment to celebrate the freedom and prosperity we have in our lives, as well as to cherish the ones we love.

Message to the Youngster

My message for the youngsters are that these peoples should be our role models. we need to learn from these brave and honest people. There are a huge bundle of messages from their lives for us. Always think that this it is my responsibility to do some thing for the country before dying and leaving the world empty hands.

If we do something for our country so then we will be immortal. We will builds homes in the hearts of upcoming generations.

When will be Commemoration Day in UAE?

UAE Commemoration Day is celebrating every year on 30th November.


In conclusion, Commemoration Day in UAE is a sombre and important occasion that honors the heroes of the country who have given their all for their country. This day strengthens the ties of togetherness and patriotism among the people of the United Arab Emirates in addition to acting as a day of communal memory. Commemoration Day makes sure that the memory of these courageous people lives on in people’s hearts and thoughts by means of a variety of events, rituals, and hero stories. It is a day that cultivates a sense of thankfulness and unity among its residents and embodies the UAE’s profound appreciation for the sacrifices made to protect the security and prosperity of the country.

Commemoration Day in UAE, serves as a potent reminder of the country’s past, its unwavering devotion to remembering its heroes, and its deep regard for those who have served and are still serving the nation.


Here are some of the most asked questions related to Commemoration Day in UAE.

Who are the martyrs of UAE?

Along with martyrs like Khalifa Al Mubarak, an Emirati ambassador killed in 1984, and Saif Ghubash, a government minister assassinated in 1977, the soldiers who died during the First Gulf War (1990–1991) while freeing Kuwait will also be remembered.

How is Commemoration Day celebrated in UAE?

Everybody in the community observes a silent prayer and a minute of silence at 11 a.m. to honors the nation’s heroes for their unwavering sacrifices. The flags are hoisted at 11:31 a.m., and the national anthem of the United Arab Emirates is played.

What to do on Commemoration Day?

Residents gather to honor the martyrs’ legacy by keeping a minute of silence on each day of remembrance.

What is the National Commemoration Day in UAE?

November 30 is Commemoration Day since it was on this day in 1971 that Salem Suhail bin Khamis lost his life in combat on the island of Greater Tunb. He is thought to be the first Emirati to die while serving in the armed forces.

When will be Commemoration Day in UAE?

UAE Commemoration Day is celebrating every year on 30th November.

Commemoration Day Meaning?

An event held to honor the memory of someone is referred to as a commemoration. One can also remember an event, such as a war, with a commemoration. A commemoration is an event or person’s celebration, typically taken the shape of a ceremony. On a person’s birth or death anniversary, events are frequently held.

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